July 23, 2019
When I decided to launch into the boutique biz, I was a stay at home mom with a 3 year old and an almost 2 year old. Like many stay at home moms, I was struggling with a loss of self. I obviously love my kids more than anything, but literally EVERYTHING I DID seemed to be for someone else. I had dabbled in some direct sales companies on a quest to find something that was for ME. (Aaaand maybe also because I REALLY like new consultant kits!) Nothing ever seemed to be the right fit for me, though, no matter how much I loved the products. (Seriously. It looks like a vendor show in my house, I use so much DS stuff here!)
Then something magical happened. I found Agnes & Dora. Was it the buttery soft leggings? Was is the tops that actually fit while also allowing me to look somewhat put together while still maintaining the ability to chase toddlers? Was it actually having product IN MY HANDS that I could photograph and sell? (There's a chance it was the $5k start up cost; you are somewhat more obligated to succeed when you drop five grand than when you spend $99 on kit filled with stuff you can use yourself.) Whatever it was, I found what I was looking for and I didn't even know I was missing. I found a connection to other women, completely independent of being a mother. I found that I could help other women feel good about themselves. Clothes was a good fit for me and I will forever be grateful for the opportunity and skills that A&D gave me.
After about two years, however, I started to outgrow the constraints being part of a parent company put on me and I decided it was time to branch out on my own. It was a scary step and I still had about $25,000 in A&D here, but it was an amazing decision and I have never looked back! Curating my own collections, playing by my own rules, all while still being able to help other women see the beauty in themselves, THAT is what this is about. THAT is why I am here. The icing on the cake is that I get to model being a strong business woman for my children. They get to see me helping others. They see me working hard. They see me.
I appreciate each and every one of you that have taken the time to visit my boutique. You are supporting a mother, a family, a vision. Thank you.